Trades we are happy to recommend
Painters, Electricians, Plumbers, Plasterers, Tilers
Email us or call 03 9569 7233 to obtain contact details for any of our sub contractors
Rendering & Solid Plaster
Carlton Plaster Company Pty Ltd – the expert specialists in all forms of rendering and solid plastering
email to Bryan 0412 558 100 @carltonplastercompany
West Valentine Design
Reece Plumbing
The Door Store
Tait Timber
Bowens Timber
Mitcham Tile Centre
Building Authorities
VBA – Victorian Building Authority The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) regulates building and plumbing practitioners to ensure the achievement of efficient and competitive building and plumbing industries in Victoria.
HIA – Housing Industry Association Housing Industry Association (HIA) is the official body of Australia’s home building industry. Supporting the Australian home building industry for more than 60 years..8
Consumer Affairs Victoria Plan and manage your building project